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The World Setting: Welcome



The Old World of AEIOUS was composed of a large landmass called Ghyr-Andulan, the western continent of N’alla, and the southern ice continent of Khan’sar. On the northern tip of Ghyr-Andulan stood the frozen land of Ice Kalon. On the south, the Morancan Lands stretched far and wide behind the rocky curtain of Red Rock. Six vast bodies of water encircled the various continents, with nearly a dozen lesser bodies fronting the various coasts. Thousands of minor bodies of water can be found all over the various territories along with thousands of geographical formations. The most prominent geographical feature of the land is a very long stretch of mountain range in the center of Ghyr-Andulan from the North of Baskalia downwards in an arc (except the Flatlands) towards Ghaltan all the way to the volcanic massif of Hy’ul. This great formation is called the Spine of the World, mountains upon mountains that include the blood soiled formation called Red Rock, forming a curtain of earth that separated the East and the West.


The more prominent countries of the Old World were the Jopham Sphere of the North East, their rivals the Gorokhan Empire, and the Western Empire of Ngo-Han. The Veragonzans ruled the North East from the borders of Ice Kalon down to the borders of the Six Kingdoms and to the West against the daring Gorokhans. The Gorokhans controlled an arc from the northern hemisphere (against the Salkings) down from east to west, crossing with the Ngo-Han Empire and the SIx Kingdoms and Yobmij. These Empire Wars are collectively called the North Wars (not to be confused with the Northern Wars between the Radlors and Dharkenlors that was waged on a later time).


Between these very large empires, the kingdom of Ghaltan served as one of the solid bastions of freedom. The Six Kingdoms where considered the wealthiest of all the notable kingdoms, while the city- nation of Yobmij was considered the political center of Eastern Civilization. These Eastern Kingdoms served as the capital of Eastern Wisdom for years, a small but fierce opponent of the Gorokhans and the Veragonzans (Jopham).


The southern kingdom of Issa’r was famous for its religious revivals and the tenacity of its mystical studies, but became the first to fall under the deadly campaigns of the of the Morancans, above and around the Spine of the World, the vast and ferocious wild areas of the Heartlands fanned out, unconquered and untamed up to the present day.


The aborigines of N’alla proliferated the continent with their tribes during this time, their lands left undisturbed by the rest of the world until the time of the Pilgrimage. The cold lands of Ice Kalon up north and Khan’sar down south remained untouched by any war or great activity during this era.


The sheer size of the land masses offered large areas of unrecorded activities that even the numerous Word Weavers have failed to attribute. The various kingdoms and empires and people mentioned above are but highlights of the prominent parts of history. In between these are hundreds, maybe thousands, of other stories, people, cities and smaller kingdoms, some of which faded into obscurity and others rising beyond even the greatest recorded stories.


When the Great Wars started, these empires began to feel the yoke of the Black Army from Hy’ul in more ways than one. The Black Army controlled more lands and territories than any other empire, doing the deed not just once, but twice in history. The story of the Great Wars can be found in greater detail in the Book of Wyapp, highlighted by the Great Shattering.


After the Great Shattering (also referred to as the Breaking of Ghyr-Andulan) that led to the sinking of great portions of land down south and erasing the kingdom of Ghaltan where the Southern Tha’o Tribe flourished, the world started a curve for radical change. The shattering left a broken area of islands and landmasses now called as Red Reef. As millions of people perished, the Deus leaving the world, and the worldwide ecosystem adversely affected, the Old World was forced to change.


This marked the birth of the New World, now generally referred to as the Modern World. The new world evolved after the great hardships caused by the Breaking of Ghyr-Andulan, now simply called as the Andulan Continent. In the southern region, the lands of the United Morancan Kingdom, thrived amidst these trials. Hy’ul was sanctioned greatly, with the former Kingdom of Issa’r now reborn as the Bha’yan Entente serving as its fierce watchdog. Kingdoms and people rose from the ashes, many uniting to build their lands into what is now called Mega-Nations. Many of the empires that once ruled the continent are now either reduced in influence or broken into many domains.


The pilgrims that invaded the N’alla Continent eventually eradicated the Kanos Aborigines, ultimately giving birth to the new mega-nations of Yhuro and D’lanor. Can- Roman rose from the Anda’l becoming an economic and political power, while the former Ice Kalon became the home of the Shi’ans. The Ilon Isles, free of the Black Army rule, returned to become the federation loyal to the mega-nation Gherna.


Khan’sar, the third continent, remains a region of bitter winter and thick ice. But a number of people persistently challenging the harsh elements, have successfully tamed portions of the region over the years. The Heartlands, still unconquered and untamed, remain as elusive and mysterious as ever save for the renaming of the western and eastern territories.


The current Mega-Nations of AEIOUS still cover extensively large areas even with the increased numbers of population and cities. Large tracts of lands remain hardly occupied. Large swaths of territories remain undiscovered, possibly unpopulated, totally unknown: all prime and ready for discovery and stories of adventures.

The World Setting: Text
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