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The Combat: Welcome
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This step is where the order in which everyone will act during the start of a period is determined.

Initiative is determined by rolling a percentile check (2 ten-sided dice, with the result ranging from 01 to 100) and adding the result to the individual’s computed initiative value (Fighting Level/500).

The one with the highest total value will be the first to perform an action for the period, followed by the one with the second highest value, down to the one with the least initiative value.


Offense is the art of delivering a form of attack maneuver towards an opponent. Most offensive maneuvers are FULL actions, so they eat up an action slot of the individual.

Success in delivering an offensive maneuver is determined by a “to hit” check roll. The lower the check roll result, the better. As a standard, a roll of 91-00 is considered a total miss, even if the “to hit” check value exceeds 100. Higher attribute values can improve the check roll though. A roll of 00 (100) is considered a critical check failure.

For critical check failure rolls (00), the individual must make another check roll. If the 2nd roll value is 01 or 02, then the attack maneuver has backfired on the user and s/he will receive 1⁄2 of the damage or the efficiency effect of the intended attack. If the 2nd roll is 03 and above then no adverse effect is experienced.

On the other hand, a “to hit” check roll of 01 or 02 is considered a critical physical attack hit. 02 means the individual delivers double of the intended damage. A roll of 01 means triple damage is delivered.


Defense is the art of eluding an opponent’s attack. By dedicating an action slot, the individual can execute a maneuver that allows him/her to escape the effects of an attack form on a successful check roll. Various attack forms requires varying kinds of defenses.

To succeed in executing a defensive maneuver, the individual must first define what kind of maneuver s/he will use against the attack form. There are five kinds of defenses as stated below.

Physical attacks are defended with a dodge, block, or transevasion maneuver. Emission attacks can also be dodged, blocked, transevaded, or reversed. Special effect attacks are defended by making a SAVE check roll maneuver to resist.


Compute the damage delivered by any attack that connects. Different attacks have different damage formulas.


We find two opponents named Brynne and Lyonne squaring off 10 meters away from each other in the desert. Brynne has a total of 4 actions and Lyonne has 5.


Lyonne has a F.L. of 100,000 divided by 500 giving him 200 and rolls a 15 for a total initiative of 215. Brynne has a F.L. of 80,000 /500 equals 160 and rolls a 55 for an initiative of 215 as well. Since the values are equal, they again roll for initiative: this time Brynne gets a total of 260 and Lyonne gets 175. Brynne wins initiative and gets to act first for the period.


Brynne moves away from Lyonne at less than 1⁄2 his Movement Rate [M.R.] value, moving to about 50 meters away (this is a reflex action). He then activates his Enerjia emission Sequra successfully (another reflex action). He uses 5000 Chions (special action) and attacks Lyonne (full action) with a successful “to hit” check.


Lyonne attempts to dodge the Enerjia emission and successfully does so with a dodge check roll (full action). He then moves at 1⁄2 his M.R. towards Brynne, cutting the distance to 5 meters (reflex action).

- Step 2 -Exchange

Now, it is Lyonne’s offensive turn and he attacks Brynne with a Darqon Bane Kh’I and makes a successful “to hit” check (full action).

- Step 3 -Exchange

Brynne manages to dodge the attack (full) and moves away from Lyonne using 1⁄2 his MR for a distance of 50 meters away (reflex).


Brynne activates his Petrification IA (full) and uses it against Lyonne (within Innate Ability range) who makes the SAVE check roll (special). At this stage, Brynne has used 3 actions. Lyonne has used 2 actions.

- Step 2 -Exchange

Lyonne activates his Force emission Sequra (reflex) and engages in an emission attack (full) using 55,000 Chions (special).

- Step 3 -Exchange

The attack will hit and Brynne attempts to make a reversal maneuver (full) which is successful in returning half the emission attack efficiency to Lyonne.


Lyonne uses a Teleport transevasion maneuver against the reversed emission attack (full) which he executes successfully. He then attempts to move at 1⁄2 his MR (reflex) towards Brynne covering a distance of about 50 meters. Brynne has no more actions. Lyonne has used 4 actions and has one remaining.

- Step 2 -Exchange

Lyonne, who is now 1-5 meters away from Brynne, uses his Darqon Bane Kh’I again (full).


Brynne cannot defend this attack since he has no actions left and takes full damage from the attack.

After taking the damage, Brynne is still able to stand and continue the fight.

Badly hurt, he prepares for the next round.

End of period 1. Start of period 2.

Roll for Initiative again to start STEP 1

Do you have what it takes?

The Combat: Image
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