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“Greatness is defined by many things, but chief amongst this is the mastery of oneself. That ability to find your inner capacity and polishing it to the best of your ability, even beyond your limits. If one is able to find, master, and surpass himself, then he can face any opponent without regret, regardless of his lineage.”  

- Brett Faurchald

Sequras define the ability of an individual to manifest extraordinary feats outside the normal limits of physical and mental capacity. Sequras are abilities that can be exhibited naturally through an active Affinity Gene or learned through rigorous training and focused diligence. These abilities may also be induced with the help of technology or the arcane (magic).


Over the course of time and study, experts have found that all Sequras can be generally categorized under seven major groups. These groupings help in determining the tendencies and relationships of various Sequras, reducing the randomness of manifestations and thereby improving the degree of understanding and control among users. Over the years, Sequra gurus and schools grew in demand and prominence, enabling individuals to gain better help in mastering their Sequras and in learning new ones.

The first six Sequra groups have been named: Kh’I, Emission, Protection, Manipulation, Foundation, and Transportation. A seventh category was established later on to define the capacity of tapping the Quresh, the mystical weave of magic in AEIOUS, called Utilization.

Emission - are Sequras that enable the individual to emit a form of energy from his/her body. The emissions could be in any manifestation as the Sequra describes it, and the method of emission may vary. Emission Sequras are power manifestations of offensive minded capabilities, designed to deliver widespread harm against an opponent or a target. Emission Sequras tap the individual’s inherent Chions to fuel its effects.

Protection - are defensive oriented abilities designed to go against hostile opponents or environments. Protection Sequras are not exclusively self-oriented for it can also be used on others. Protection Sequras are mostly never harmful by nature.

Foundation - are Sequras that build the individual’s natural abilities, augmenting his/her competencies and aptitudes beyond normal. Foundation Sequras are mostly characterized by abilities that extend the user’s limit beyond comprehension. These Sequras are mostly self-affecting and are rarely usable on others. A few are protective in nature, but inherently these Sequras augment the “foundation” of the user’s set of abilities and basic capacities.

Manipulation - are Sequras that breakdown the normal convention of things. As the name suggests, it allows the user to manipulate and change what is present into something that is deviant, for an amount of time. The user can manipulate his/her body, his/her opponents and his/her surroundings with these Sequras. It basically counters the purpose of Foundation-based Sequras.

Transportation - are Sequras that allow the individual to travel efficiently from one place to another. These are Sequras that open the various methods of motion by augmenting the normal movement options available to the individual. Present under this category are special methods of transportation options.

Utilization - are Sequras that originate from a source called the Quresh, the weave of mystical essence in this world. These abilities are powered by the force of the Weave, containing characteristics completely separated from the other six basic categories. It is believed to be fueled by the decisions, actions, and manipulations of the Deus of the Arcane.

Kh’I - are Sequras designed to expand the fundamental potential of an individual, it helps in empowering the user to maximize the many proficiencies of the physical body. It encompasses improvements on physical strength, agility based techniques, damage control, and fighting instincts. This is a special category where all the listed Sequras require the usage of Chions equal to its level (#) x 2 every time it is activated.

Sequra: Welcome




This Sequra enables the user to wield the Quresh force in outstanding fashion, resulting in the mimicry of any of the

listed Sequras under any category. The user can mimic one Sequra per usage with levels equal to this Sequra’s (#)/2. The mimicked Sequra will last for the duration. Mimicking a Sequra is a full action, using it thereafter will require full or reflex actions depending on its description.

A mimicked Sequra can be used in full potential on the next action of the user, not on the same action that it was mimicked. Sorcery can be used as an effective defensive maneuver when stringed with Water Kh’I. When used this way, only defensive maneuvers can be coupled with the Sorcery Sequra.

The user can only mimic one Sequra at a time using Sorcery. A mimicked Sequra will turn off if the user attempts to mimic a new one even if this power’s duration has not yet ended. If the former mimicked power turns off, its effects (and damages) will not end but will still last for the defined duration.

Part of this Sequra is the study of the various forms of other Sequra that the user can mimic. As such, the user is assumed to have a good theoretical knowledge of the various forms of Sequra and can easily mimic them without the need of having to see them being actually used.



This Sequra allows the user to magically restrict a target from moving, inhibiting physical actions (FULL actions). Reflex and Special actions can still be used by the victim. This power requires level x 3 Chions every usage.

The Sequra can affect a maximum of (#)/500 targets at any given time, but only one target can be affected per activation. A target must make a successful save check roll to resist this Sequra’s effect or suffer it for the duration. If more than the maximum allowed targets are exceeded, the foremost affected victim will be released from the power’s effect even if the duration has not yet ended. In terms of combat effects, read fully paralyzed victims in Save or Resist Maneuver under Tactical Maneuvers in the Rules ADvocate’s Manual for details.



This enables the user to travel from one place to another by opening two connected gate portals that s/he enters and exits from. The user can travel a distance equal to his/her MR + (#)/10 meters in one full action. This Sequra can be used to “see” what is on the other side and vice versa. However, it cannot be used as an attack form that can “transport” attack maneuvers across.

The user can also travel up to Movement Rate (MR) + (#)/5 x total number of actions in meters by dedicating all his/ her actions for the period; however, this option can only be done from the start of the period. When traveling the maximum range, opponents are at minus 5(#) to their blindside / detection checks to locate the user.

The user can also travel with (#)/100 other individuals orESSENCE x (#)/250 kilograms in additional weight/mass, whichever is lower.

When used with the maximum range option utilizing all actions, the user must be familiar with the location s/he is traveling to for this Sequra to efficiently work. If the location is a random one, the user has a (#)/10% chance check to succeed and not end up stuck inside a solid object (e.g. rock or metal structure, etc). (#)/100 individuals (aside from the user) can enter the Gate. If th elocation is a known one, it must be within the max range indicated.

If the user accidentally travels or gets stuck in a solid object, s/he will suffer damage equal to Sequra Level(#) x 500 before being forcefully ejected from the object.

This Sequra gives the user (#)/250 defined locations that s/he can “gate” to with 100% accuracy, but they must be within range every time they are targeted.



This technique enables the practitioner to project a daunting aura that cripples the fighting spirit of the target/s. If the victim/s fails to resist by making a successful SAVE check, then s/he cannot perform any offensive actions against the user for the duration of the effect. However the victim can still perform defensive maneuvers.

The duration lasts for (#)/200 actions. The victim can make a save check roll on every offensive action turn during the duration in order to escape the effects. Targets must be within range upon activation in order for them to be affected by this Sequra. This power requires level x 3 Chions every activation.

It can affect a maximum of (#)/500 targets. But only one target can be affected every activation. If the maximum targets are reached and user attempts to use the Sequra against another set of targets, the previous victims will become unaffected even if the duration has not yet ended.

This Sequra won’t work to restrict against area effect attacks, only direct (physical, emission, and effect) attacks.

Sequra: Text
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