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The Races: Welcome



The World of AEIOUS serves as host to a multitude of diverse denizens bearing unique but intertwined bloodlines and heritage.


Foremost in that line are the Qarins, firstborn of all the races. Due to their transgressions, the path was paved for the birth of the other races, as they were punished with deep slumber.


The Th'ao and Morancan were born to take the place of dominance once held by the mighty Qarin. Over time, the return (waking) of the Qarin and the resulting intermarriages between the three pure races gave birth to the so called mixed races.


The Th'ao and Morancan children were known to the world as Lilochs. The Th'ao and Qarin offsprings became the Scionars. Morancan and Qarin blood run high within the Nu'mei people. These mixed races showed a resiliency born out of the strengths of their parents.


Aside from natural selection and inter racial merging, the hands of fate touched the lives of different groups of people and gave rise to a breed of altered but unique races: The Zerai came from the bloodline of a cursed Scionar. The pink Kyiokenjins are born from the immortal spirit of a morphed Morancan Deus. The Buashi line originated from a tribe of Th'ao exposed to the mysterious effects of the arcane Quresh. The Draenatars are Th'aos whose spirits are intertwined with a Qarin goddess.


Other than the hands of fate, the hands of AEIOUS' own children crafted the emergence of an evolved breed of people: The Shi'an people are a legacy of warfare experimentations borne out of avarice and ambition. Soon modern technology led to the development of the artificial Simulus and the enhanced Synthezus. And as technology was rearing its head high, the mystical Quresh Weave answered by giving birth to the Kyrrne people.


But race is not the only factor that defines a character. Over the course of time, various ideas, beliefs, principles, and disciplines evolved amongst the numerous racial denizens of the world.


One of these groups are blessed with the sanctions of the many different immortal Deus. The foremost of these Deus-sanctioned groupings started with the vaunted Order of Dharkenlor. This group of individuals, blessed by the mighty hand of the Deus Rhevor, brought about a wave of discipline and fear on many various lands.


That assemblage was answered by the formation of the Order of Radlors, blessed by the Deus Rhenle as a counter to the threat of the mighty Dharkenlor. In time, the female members of the Radlors formed the Order of Aelvhan, and when nature was threatened by the never-ending wars, the Deus Malach gave rise to the Malachais. Even the infamous actions of the first Deus Rimo gave birth to the Brotherhood of Eternals.


When the time of the Deus passed with the trials of the War of Despair, the status and the influence of Deus-sanctioned classes declined. In its place, various disciplines on specializations rose to prominence. The Morancans developed the Dhu’ross discipline, while the Th’ao made the Ghenkai discipline the most widely practiced form in a long time.


The Shi’ans even attempted to bridge the racial divide by developing the Phyrrean discipline. In secret places, the Raukar discipline grew strong while the Thruanlor discipline slowly gained acceptance in pocket locations.


Within all these schools on the discipline of strength, mind, and secret plans, the discipline of the Vezinian evolved. However, the most stolid of all disciplines came from one man named Xhan, whose loyal followers and believers continue to further his personal principles in the discipline of Xhanlor.


Aside from these groups, the oldest and newest stand in stark contrast of one another.


The Society of Aendor was present even before any Deus came to prominence, promoting the might of the Quresh and the mystical arts. With great fortune acquired over time, the Society has spread its influence far and wide over the lands.


Against the Society, on the other end of the social spectrum, is the Institute of the Es’thoss, the bastion of new age technology and science. Though young in its existence, the Institute has been able to magnify the accomplishments of science as a force to change the world.

All of these groups: based on strict principles, disciplines, beliefs, and doctrine thrived through the passing of the aeons. Some gained ground accorded to popularity at some point in time while others found ways to strengthen their influence and prominence through alternative, nefarious means.


And yet another layer further stirs the waters of character definition. For there are four known types of adventurers in the world of AEIOUS, the most well-loved by far are called Crafters, renowned for creating wonderful items of magic and technology. There are also those who are pure bred for battle, the Scrapper, excelling in using powers. Then there are the Weavers, trained in casting and power manipulation. While Tipplers are alchemists or juicers; those who use different means to augment their capabilities.


Considering all these elements together, creating an AEIOUS character is an exercise in execution and fusion of race, class, and type all compounded in a mix of power, style, design, and concept. Creating a possibility of nearly 500  unique variants of warriors, fighters, heroes, adventurers, and much more.


Are you ready to make your mark in the wide, wild, World of AEIOUS?

The Races: Image
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