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The Game: Welcome


Role-playing is a game where the active participants assume the roles of fictional/fantasy characters. The participants are composed of two groups: the players and the Rules ADvocate (RAD). The players will determine the actions of their chosen (created) characters based on their assumed and determined personalities. The result of their actions succeed or fail according to the system of rules and guidelines.

The AEIOUS role-playing game is conducted like a drama or story play where the spoken component is acted but not scripted. The Rules ADvocate (RAD) will create a setting in the story in which the players can play the role of their created characters. The RAD will describe the scenarios, the action, the inhabitants, and everything pertinent to the story; based on this, the players will describe the intended actions of their created characters. The RAD will then define the outcome based on the rules of interaction. The outcome will be determined by the game system rules and how you interpret and enact them.

The Rules ADvocate (RAD) creates a setting for the game session, one of the key functions is to portray most of the world’s inhabitants, called non- player character (NPCs) because they are controlled only by one person. At the same time the RAD will act as the moderator and rules arbitrator for the players (and their playing characters). In a typical game session, the RAD will introduce a set of goals for the players to achieve through the actions and decisions of their characters. This will essentially involve interacting with non-player characters (NPCs), the other denizens of the game world, which are played by the RAD.

A typical game sessions will contain moments of puzzle solving, interaction and negotiation, adventure play, and conflict and combat exchange. The goal/s may be made clear to the players at the outset of the story or may become clear to them during the course of various game sessions.

The specified game rules will determine the success or failure of a character's actions and decisions. The AEIOUS game system use computed statistics finalized by dice rolls to determine results. In this system, the RAD uses the rules to determine a target number through computations of statistics against formulas and evaluated averages. The player rolls dice, trying to get a result less than the computed value. Dice rolling is made part of the system in order to introduce a random element into the process where success or failure in an action is literally determined by the hands of the player. On the other hand, the RAD will also roll the dice to determine the results of the NPC’s actions as well. The game system of AEIOUS is defined by the percentile system where statistical success is computed on a percentage format (from 01 to 100) with a goal to roll as low a dice roll result as possible.

Sounds hard?

Nothing worth doing is ever easy....

The Game: Text


The Old World of AEIOUS was composed of a large landmass called Ghyr-Andulan, the western continent of N’alla, and the southern ice continent of Khan’sar. On the northern tip of Ghyr-Andulan stood the frozen land of Ice Kalon. On the south, the Morancan Lands stretched far and wide behind the rocky curtain of Red Rock. Six vast bodies of water encircled the various continents, with nearly a dozen lesser bodies fronting the various coasts. Thousands of minor bodies of water can be found all over the various territories along with thousands of geographical formations. The most prominent geographical feature of the land is a very long stretch of mountain range in the center of Ghyr-Andulan from the North of Baskalia downwards in an arc (except the Flatlands) towards Ghaltan all the way to the volcanic massif of Hy’ul. This great formation is called the Spine of the World, mountains upon mountains that include the blood soiled formation called Red Rock, forming a curtain of earth that separated the East and the West.

The Game: Text


The World of AEIOUS serves as host to a multitude of diverse denizens bearing unique but intertwined bloodlines and heritage.

Foremost in that line are the Qarins, firstborn of all the races. Due to their transgressions, the path was paved for the birth of the other races, as they were punished with deep slumber.

The Th'ao and Morancan were born to take the place of dominance once held by the mighty Qarin. Over time, the return (waking) of the Qarin and the resulting intermarriages between the three pure races gave birth to the so called mixed races.

The Game: Image


The game system of AEIOUS is defined by the percentile system (1-100) where the statistical success is computed on a percentage format. Using a percentile dice (2 pieces of 10-sided dice), the player attempts to roll as low a dice check result as possible. Using the percentile system, dice check results of 01 to 00 (100) will serve as the basis of the outcome of the attempt. A low dice roll value will result to a successful attempt.

Based on the computed statistics and formulas of the attempt, a target value is normally determined. The player will then attempt to roll a dice result equal to this determined value or lower. Rolling higher than this determined value will result into failure, making the attempt unsuccessful.

Example 1:

The character is attempting to climb a wall. His/her computed skill level for climbing is 20. S/he therefore needs to make a percentile dice roll of 20 and below to successfully complete the climbing challenge.

In most instances, rolling a 01 is the best possible result that a player can get. This means that the attempt is successful beyond doubt. The threshold on the other side of the percentile spectrum is set at 90. Any dice check roll resulting to 91 and above will be considered a failure, even if the skill or ability level of the character (or the computed value) is 100 or higher.

The Game: Image
Big Bro.jpg



This step is where the order in which everyone will act during the start of a period is determined.

Initiative is determined by rolling a percentile check (2 ten-sided dice, with the result ranging from 01 to 100) and adding the result to the individual’s computed initiative value (Fighting Level/500).

The one with the highest total value will be the first to perform an action for the period, followed by the one with the second highest value, down to the one with the least initiative value.


Offense is the art of delivering a form of attack maneuver towards an opponent. Most offensive maneuvers are FULL actions, so they eat up an action slot of the individual.

Success in delivering an offensive maneuver is determined by a “to hit” check roll. The lower the check roll result, the better. As a standard, a roll of 91-00 is considered a total miss, even if the “to hit” check value exceeds 100. Higher attribute values can improve the check roll though. A roll of 00 (100) is considered a critical check failure.

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