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“Inside every person is a spark. Some sparks are benevolent, some fearsome even in its benign form. A person’s innate spark is a gift. A gift worth more than life, for it is a heritage of your people, a mark of your identity.”

- Hazama Hirogimo

Intrinsic Alphas are special capabilities that grant the individual with powerful, unique, and specialized abilities. Intrinsic Alphas are generally considered more powerful than their Sequra counterparts. Some believe that it is an inherent ability, a seed inside every person. Every race in AEIOUS possesses their own unique racial Alpha, a birthright of sorts. When the individual learns to control his/her Intrinsic Alpha potential, s/he gains an edge over the natural hierarchy of powers, an advantage of wielding stronger and vibrant abilities.

Intrinsic Alphas possess superior range, longer durations, remarkable effects, and harder SAVE check rolls to resist when compared to Sequras. Intrinsic Alphas are effective independent from each other and function in its own unique effects.

In terms of hierarchy Intrinsic Alphas can and mostly overrule and overpower any Sequra effect as based on its effect description wherever a conflict is noted. In terms of descriptions of protection for the user, base the precedence on the description listed on the Sequra or IA.

Note that an Intrinsic Alpha cannot be used in conjunction with Sequras or even other Intrinsic Alphas.


Intrinsic Alphas use [level (#) x 5] points of Chions whenever it is activated.

Racial benefit Intrinsic Alphas also require the usage of Chions every activation but it is at 1/2 the stated value.


Intrinsic Alphas are activated by making a successful IA level (#)/10 check roll. A failed check means the IA fails to function as described and the action slot is used up. The higher the level of the Intrinsic Alpha that the user possesses, the better the chances for activation and utilization. Deactivating an IA is a reflex action that requires a (#)/2 check roll. All Intrinsic Alphas are Type FULL, requiring an action slot for every usage. Whenever an individual modes down from Ultimum or Optimum Form down to Normal Mode, all active Intrinsic Alphas will turn off.

Alpha: Welcome




An Intrinsic Alpha that enables the user to manipulate and control puppet-like objects like they are living beings. The user must create a puppet similar to creating a character. The puppet can be made of any material. The user will spend his/her XPoints in designing the puppet, purchasing every advantage and ability. Create the puppet using Character Generation Rules. The user gets an IA level (#)/500 divisor in purchasing the abilities of the puppet being created. The user will purchase the entity’s every Attributes, Skills, Sequras/CTs, (but no IAs and Omegas). Disadvantages (except Nemesis and Disease) can be included in the design for extra XP but the puppet will be subject to the limitations of the disadvantage/s.

The higher the Puppetry IA’s level, the higher the divisor. The user can opt to forego designing in the beginning and concentrate on building the IA levels first. However, in this case, the user cannot use anything until s/he has designed a puppet. The user can define the appearance of the puppet. The user can design a maximum of (#)/250 kinds of puppets and can control (#)/500 puppets at a time.

Unlike the Summon Omega, the puppet does not have its own set of actions. The user’s action will be used when utilizing the abilities of the puppet, however, the user gains additional (#)/ 1000 actions to his/her number of actions when using/controlling the puppet/s. There is no duration on the amount of time the user can utilize the puppet. The duration stated above is applicable on the other function of this IA as stated below.

This IA can also be used to control the movement of other living beings equal to a maximum of (#)/500 in number, who fails to make the SAVE check roll. The victims will be subject to the control of the user for the duration. The user can control speech and movement along with the abilities of the victim. The user will instinctively know and be able to use the victim’s Attributes, Skills, and Sequras at (#)/25% efficiency and the victim’s IAs at (#)/30% efficiency. A victim’s Omegas cannot be tapped using this IA. Note that the user can decide to control a puppet/s and a person at the same time using this IA as long as it is within the allowed allotment that the user can control (IA level (#)/500) at a time. If the user decides to control more than the allowed limit, the foremost controlled victim will be set free from the IA’s effects even if the duration has not yet ended.

The user cannot exceed 100% utilization of the victim’s abilities even if the IA levels are higher. The victim can be controlled to take offensive and defensive actions while under the control of this IA but the victim must be within the IA’s range. The victim will be under control for the duration of the IA. All the victim’s action maneuvers will count against the number of actions of the user, similar to controlling a puppet (adding the extra actions this IA gives), while the victim forfeits all his/her actions. Puppetry only allows the user to control the victim’s actions and his/her abilities, not take or combine these abilities with the user’s. The victim will be aware of the whole ordeal.



A superior version of the Kenkyio Sequra, this Intrinsic Alpha enables the user to inter-adjust any of his/her primary attributes, by subtracting from one and adding the augmented points to another.

To make the adjustments, subtract a number of attribute points (from 1 to a maximum equal to the level of this IA) from ONE primary attribute and multiply the subtracted value by (#)/500, and add the result to one or more other primary attributes (except the one where the points were subtracted from). The user can inter-adjust a number of attributes equal to (#)/500 per activation. Round off results when determining computations for multiplier and number of attributes affected. If the points are distributed to more than one attribute, it will be divided equally. A primary attribute can only be reduced to a minimum of 50 points using this IA.

This IA can only be used personally and is non-cumulative. Only one adjustment can be made per activation. Another activation of this IA will render the previous adjustments negated. Secondary attributes (except Fighting Level) and affected Combat Checks will change accordingly. Tertiary attributes are unaffected and will remain the same.

This IA cannot be used in conjunction with the Kenkyio Sequra. Adjusted attribute points are not usable when computing for Mode-Up, use the original attribute levels for computations. However, once the individual has changed modes, the adjustments from this IA will still be usable, as long as the duration is active (see Mode Up Baseline Section for adjustment details)

Example: A user has 1000 levels of this IA. S/he can inter adjust 2 primary attributes. S/he can take 1000 from GRIT (1st attribute) multiply it by 2 = 2000. S/he can add these points to ADROITNESS (2nd attribute). If s/he had 2000 levels of this IA, s/he can inter adjust 4 attributes and the multiplier is 4. With this, by subtracting from 1 attribute, s/he can opt to add the points to either 1 attribute or 3 other attributes, in which case s/he has to spread the points equally. Remember that a Primary attribute cannot be reduced to less than 50 points when employing this IA.

Alpha: Text
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