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To patiently wait. To bid your time. To silently muster your strength. To destroy your enemy with one devastating turn of your hand. One flick and darkness descends. Foreboding, unstoppable, unescapable. Now that is power; to etch terror in the hearts of men"

- Cire Nosdivad

Masters believe that all of AEIOUS’ children carry the Omega gene code: a dormant capacity to unleash the Shaper’s gift. A signature heritage for each race, intertwined with the individual’s spirit and soul. Omegas represent the ultimate potential and power that a mortal can achieve. Omega abilities are believed to border the mortal realms and the immortal capacities, showing that ascendancy to immortality is a possible potential. Though much more difficult to learn, Omegas possess superior range and potent effects, with longer durations, and grueling SAVE check rolls to resist. An Omega effect overrules all the effect description of Intrinsic Alphas or Sequras where a conflict of result occurs. In most cases, the Omega effect description will almost always be adhered to.




In order to utilize an Omega, the user must dedicate Chions equal to the Omega’s Level x 10. For Racial benefit Omegas, half of the needed Chions value is dedicated for every activation check.




An Omega power is activated by making a successful (#)/15 check roll. A failed check means the Omega does not function (activate) as described and the action slot is used up. The higher the level of the Omega possessed, the better the chances for activation and utilization. Deactivating an Omega is a reflex action that requires a (#)/2 check roll. Whenever an individual attempts to mode down from Ultimum or Optimum Form to Normal Mode, all active Omegas will turn off.




Omegas at levels 1,350 above will have an effective activation check of 90 based on the conditions of the AEIOUS Game System rules, with the 91+ check roll as the time that it will fail to function. However, if the levels are way below these numbers, the activation checks will be harder and might fail from time to time. Because of this condition, a minimum level is set for any Omegas to be categorized as usable. Simply having one level of any Omega will not guarantee a check roll of 01 or even 50 when Luck is used. One cannot use luck to augment an activation check if the minimum levels specified below are not met. The minimum levels needed to use an Omega is 15. With an activation check of Omega Level/15, a minimum level of 15 will ensure an activation check of 01, which is then eligible to be augmented by Luck. Any Omega with a level of 14 below is considered a latent ability, and is thus unusable.


On the other end, an individual can only use his/her OMEGA at levels equal to his/her current Charges Level x 2. Any level beyond this limit will be rendered as inactive. A person with a Charges Level of 300 can use Omegas up to 600 levels. If s/he possesses a 1,000 level Omega, the excess 400 levels remain inaccessible until s/he has reached the required Charges Level. This rule is known as the Affinity Limit Rule.

Omega: Welcome





This Omega enables the user to adapt and become invulnerable to any form of attack (damage and effects) from any source/opponent. The attack must first affect the user before this Omega can be used. This means that the user must survive the initial salvo of the attack. After surviving the attack, the user can adapt to its by executing a successful activation check of this Omega. If the adaptation is successful, any similar attacks with level equal to or lower than this Omega’s level (#)x5 will no longer inflict any damage or adverse effect upon the user for the duration. All levels of the attack form in excess of the Omega’s limit will still affect the user though but filtered and based on its current reduced level capacity.


Against normal physical attack damages, the Omega’s formula is computed against the Primary Attribute GRIT which determines damage. If the user has 1000 levels of this Omega, s/he can adapt to a normal physical attack with a GRIT of up to 5000.


The user can adapt to a maximum of (#)/250 kinds of attacks, but only one kind of attack can be adapted per activation. Once the limit has been reached, the user must drop one of the adapted attack forms in order to adapt to the new attack form. This Omega can also be used versus another Omega attack, but will function a 1/2 efficiency based on its levels.


The user was attacked with a Darqon Bane Kh’I at level 8000. The attack connects but the Omega user survives the damage and SAVE checks. The user successfully activates this Omega (1000 levels) during the defensive turn. The user becomes immune to Darqon Bane damages and effects up to 5000 levels for the duration. The user has 3 remaining adaptation slots for other attack forms. If someone else attacks the user with a Darqon Bane at 5000 levels or less, it will not affect the user for the duration of the Omega. If the same attacker uses the 8000 level Darqon Bane again, only 3000 levels will affect the Omega user.


Against a normal physical attack, a successful adaptation will render the user immune to physical attacks damages of 5000 GRIT or less.


Against a Combo attack, the user will compute against the GRIT attribute of the attacker. If the levels even out, the damage is nullified. If the GRIT levels are higher, then reduction of damage will happen, based on the per hit Combo damage computation.


Against a Sequra or Intrinsic Alpha based attack, upon successful adaptation, subtract the Omega’s levels from the power levels to determine how the Omega reduced/dampened the powers.





This is an Omega that enables the user to affect the chances of a target to succeed or fail by the force of his/her will. If a target fails to succeed against the SAVE check roll of this Omega, ALL his/her check rolls will be divided by [(#)/100] for the duration.


When a victim attempts to make a check roll and it is a failure, the reverse of the attempt occurs. If the attempt was an offensive action, then effects or damages to be inflicted will be received by the victim. If the attempt was a beneficial one, such as a recovery action, then the Omega user will receive the benefit. If the victim’s affected/ degraded check roll is successful, then no adverse effects will occur.


This Omega can also affect other Omega check rolls at 1/2 the efficiency.


This Omega can be used on a maximum of (#)/500 targets, with each target affected individually. But only one target can be affected per activation. This Omega’s effects are non-cumulative. If the user attempts to affect a target when s/ he has reached the maximum allowable number of targets, the foremost affected victim will be freed from the Omega’s effect even if the duration has not yet ended.


The targets can use Luck bonuses to adjust his/her affected check rolls.


A victim under the effect of this Omega (at 1000 levels) attempts to attack the user with a Petrification IA ( at1000 levels). His/her activation check roll is normally 100 (IA levels/10) but with the effect of Negaticity Omega, the check roll is degraded to 10. If the victim rolls a 10 below, the check is successful and no adverse effect will happen. If the check is 11 and up, then the Petrification’s effect bounces back to the victim/user and will need to SAVE against it.


If a victim attempted to use the Augmentation IA (1000 levels) while under this Omega, a failed check roll will result with the Omega user getting the Augmentation benefits instead. The same will happen for personal beneficial actions. The Omega user can control the acquisition and the reflection of the beneficial and harmful effects through this Omega according to user’s choice and preference.

Omega: Text
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