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The Rules: Welcome



The game system of AEIOUS is defined by the percentile system (1-100) where the statistical success is computed on a percentage format. Using a percentile dice (2 pieces of 10-sided dice), the player attempts to roll as low a dice check result as possible. Using the percentile system, dice check results of 01 to 00 (100) will serve as the basis of the outcome of the attempt. A low dice roll value will result to a successful attempt.


Based on the computed statistics and formulas of the attempt, a target value is normally determined. The player will then attempt to roll a dice result equal to this determined value or lower. Rolling higher than this determined value will result into failure, making the attempt unsuccessful.

Example 1:

The character is attempting to climb a wall. His/her computed skill level for climbing is 20. S/he therefore needs to make a percentile dice roll of 20 and below to successfully complete the climbing challenge.


In most instances, rolling a 01 is the best possible result that a player can get. This means that the attempt is successful beyond doubt. The threshold on the other side of the percentile spectrum is set at 90. Any dice check roll resulting to 91 and above will be considered a failure, even if the skill or ability level of the character (or the computed value) is 100 or higher.

Example 2:

The character has a computed climbing skill level of 100. Attempting to climb a wall, the character needs to make a check roll of 01 to 90 in order to complete the challenge. If the check roll is 91-00, then the climbing attempt will fail.




However, when a character’s level of expertise exceeds 90 special benefits are accorded for very high proficiency. For every 1000 levels above the functional levels of the ability or skill, the character is allowed additional bonuses to check rolls. An additional 1 to the check roll is added for every 1000 levels above the minimum level of the skill or ability level as shown by the next example.

Example 3:

A character with a computed climbing skill level of 1100 attempts to climb a wall, the standard rule of 01-90 check for success should apply, with a roll of 91-00 resulting to a failure. However, since the character’s climbing skill is 1000 levels higher than the functional level, s/he will gain an additional 1 point of dice check benefit for his/her check roll (1100/1000 = 1.1). In this case, if the character rolls a dice check value of 91 and below, the climbing challenge would be successful, owing to the higher proficiency of the character for that skill. Round off computations for values in between hundreds (e.g. 1.6 is an adjustment of 2 to the dice check.


The same computation rules will apply for combat, interaction and other checks encountered in a gaming session. In combat (see Combat & Conflict Section in this book), the difference is determined by subtracting the attacker’s offensive value against the defensive value of the target. If the attacker’s computed check value is above 90, use the excess (of every 1000) to compute the increments to compute and adjust the final check roll as stated above. This rule can only augment a dice check up to 99. Always note that a roll of 00 will result to automatic failure even if the computed value exceeds the allowed adjustment noted in this example.




In order to use a Sequra, Innate Ability, or Omega, the individual must be able to make a successful activation check. A Sequra is activated by making a Sequra Level/5 check, meaning that a Sequra of 450 levels and above will only fail on a check roll of 91- 00. Innate Abilities are activated by making an IA Level/10 check. IA’s at level 900 and above will fail on an activation check of 91-00. Omegas are activated by making an Omega Level/15 check. 1350 levels and above of Omegas will only fail on the same above mentioned checks for IA and Sequra.


Remember that activation checks are also subject to high level expertise adjustments and can sometimes be subject to adjustments based on the situation, difficulty of the conditions, or effects of certain Sequras, IAs, or Omegas. Thus, even if a Sequra, IA, or Omega has the necessary levels, the checks may not necessarily be as easy as stated above. Activation checks are also subject to the adjustment benefits given by Luck.


The HIGH LEVEL EXPERTISE Rule also applies for activation checks of powers. Over time, the levels of these abilities and skills will increase via improvements or even with mode-up benefits. Let’s take an example for a detailed study:


Example 1:


A character has a 1500-level Sequra. This Sequra will have a level/5 activation check, equating to the maximum of 90 based on the standard rules. However, with an excess level of 1050 from the computed functional value to get 90 (450/5), the character will have a bonus of 1 (1050/1000=1.05) to the maximum check roll allowed. A Sequra of 1500 levels therefore has an activation check of 91 below instead of just 90 below.

Example 2:


Innate Abilities have an activation check of level/10. An IA at 5,000 levels will have an actual maximum activation check equal to 94, since the level is 4,100 levels higher than the needed (900/10) to get to 90. If the IA had a level of 2500, the computed maximum activation check would be (2500 – 900 = 1600/1000 = 1.6) 90+2 which would total to a maximum of 92 on the dice roll check.


Example 3:

Omegas have an activation check of level/15. The functional level to get to an activation check of 90 is 1,350. Therefore, all levels in increments of 1000 above 1,350 will serve as a +1 benefit to the final activation check. An Omega with levels equal to 3500 would have a computed activation check (3500 – 1350 =1850/1000 = 1.85 rounded off to 2) equal to a check roll of 92.


Example 4:


For Skill levels, a more complex computation will apply based on the distribution of Skill levels. For an ARTS Skill at level 10000 equally distributed to all 10 aptitudes, each aptitude will have a Skill level of 1000 with maximum checks equal to (1000 – 90 = 910/1000 =.91) 91 and below for each aptitude check.


If the ARTS Skill at level 10000 specialized at the Artistry aptitude. The specialized aptitude will have a level equal to 3500 while the other 9 aptitudes will have a level equal to 722 each. The Artistry specialization will have a Skill check (3500 – 90 = 3410/1000 = 3.4 rounded off to 3) equal to 93 and below to succeed. The other 9 aptitudes will have a maximum skill check equal to (722 – 90 = 632/1000 = .63) 91 and below.

Pushing it further to Fortes, with a specialization on Artistry and a forte on painting. Painting skill checks will be computed at 2x the level of the specialization which is 3500 x 2 = 7000. The other fortes will have a skill level of 3500/2 = 1750. The final skill checks for painting forte will be (7000 – 90 = 6910 / 1000 = 6.9 rounded off to 7) equal to 97. The final checks for the other 2 fortes will be (1750 – 90 = 1660 / 1000 = 1.6 rounded off to 2) equal to 92.


Example 5:


Combat checks that have computed values exceeding 90 shall also be computed with benefits where every 1000 excess points are given a +1 bonus up to a maximum check of 99. So a dodge check equal to 1590 (after subtracting the minuses of an attack form) will have a 1590 – 90 = 1500 / 1000 = 1.5 bonus. The dodge check for that attack would be successful on a roll of 92 below.




Outlined below is a step by step procedure that defines all the facets of conflict and interaction resolutions that govern the AEIOUS system. For starters, there are a few important terminologies that you will need to remember:



this Tertiary attribute represents the number of actions that the individual can perform in a single period. Once all the action slots have been used up, the individual can no longer perform any offensive or defensive maneuvers and will be at the mercy of an opponent who still has actions for that period.



is the amount of time in which every individual concerned can perform all their actions and counter-actions. One period is roughly equivalent to about 60 seconds.


FULL actions:

are exploits or deeds that require the individual to devote an action slot. These actions usually require the individual’s full concentration and focus.


REFLEX actions:

are exploits or activities that can be performed without devoting an action slot. These actions can be performed anytime following these formats: if the individual is on the offensive, s/he can perform a number of reflex actions (equal to half his/her computed Action Slots in the present form) before performing a full action. After initiating the full offensive action, s/he can no longer perform any reflex action. If s/he is on the defensive, s/he can perform a number of reflex actions (equal to half the computed Action Slots in the present form) after initiating the defensive full action maneuver. No reflex actions can be performed before a full defensive action. One kind of reflex action can be performed only once per turn. Though numerous reflex actions are allowed, they must be varying/ different actions, no two similar reflex actions can be done per turn.


SPECIAL actions:

are movements that can be performed without devoting an action slot. These actions are considered instinctive feats done within a fraction of a second that it requires no definitive attention from the part of the individual. Special actions can be executed anytime, before or after a FULL or REFLEX action as needed by the individual or defined by the situation. SAVE checks are special actions, done intuitively as a form of self preservation. An item’s Efficiency number (e#) check and tapping Chions are also type special actions.



is the act of turning a Power on. Some powers require a Full action to activate. Most Sequras, IAs, or Omegas that are defined as reflex in nature can only be done once (within the rules of Reflex and Full Actions). If the activation check has failed, then it won’t function for that particular attempt and action turn. The individual can attempt to activate various/different techniques as reflex actions. An activation check of 91-00 is a failure subject to how high the levels are, based on the system rules.




For an in-depth reference, the following action samples can be used as reference:


Full actions: attacking like a kick. throw, or punch, defending like a block, dodge, or transevasion, attempting a Combo maneuver, jumping, activation of a power defined as FULL, giving instructions or shouting a full sentence worth of information, performing a Skill, running or moving a distance equal to the individual’s full computed Movement Rate, observing something, reading an information, handing an object to another person, catching an object, and everything else that may deem similar to these.


Reflex actions: activating a power defined as REFLEX, shouting or giving instructions worth half a sentence (phrase), moving or running a distance equal to half or less than the individual’s computed Movement Rate, flipping an object to a general direction, or glancing left or right.


Special actions: attempting a SAVE check, activating a power defined as SPECIAL, activating an item/ object’s e# (gadget/arcaneO), tapping Chions to fuel an action, or tapping Luck to adjust a check roll.


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