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A Tabletop Role Playing Game +

Enter a fantasy world created from the essence of a Shaper. A world molded by the hands of her children. A place bonded in mysterious forces mostly unknown. With lands cradled in magic and technology. With people of various color and legacies. With epic adventures waiting. 

Welcome to the wide, wild, World of AEIOUS.

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This world is not equipped to balance itself. Nor is it capable to grow on its own. History has shown that mere men cannot take to the task.

That reality has forced me to take matters into my own hands. For only then will everything be right and in effect will the children of this world enjoy a chance at true prosperity.

- Deus Rhevor

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In the advent of the expansion of creation, the Creator of the Universe empowered His servants, the Shapers, to create cosmos amalgamations in the protraction of the Great Universe. And so the Shapers set out to build their own worlds, in their own manner, and at the time of their choosing. They created worlds of their own figuration; giving form to the abstracts of their own hearts, pristine and wondrous worlds full of wonderful and astounding things. 

A manifold of Shapers set out on their tasks almost immediately, with some deciding to work corporately. Others, however, tarried on their planning opting to wait and see the designs of their brethren before embarking on their own. Some Shapers created worlds that are linked with one another while most created theirs independent from the rest. Still, a few Shapers decided to forgo their chance at creation altogether. Thus the world systems existed in this manner inside the Great Universe, where everything endeavored to work for the greater harmony. 

One of the Shapers created the world of AEIOUS in the star system called areVed, a cosmos entrenched in the far edge of the Great Universe. AEIOUS is the 7th planet to circle a bright yellow sun in a radical elliptical fashion and is in return circled by a medium sized smooth planetoid designated as its moon. In the star system areVed, nine other worlds accompany the world of AEIOUS in its celestial dance. It is highly conjectured that life in this star system can only be found in this world. 

The planet AEIOUS is a world nearly as large as planet Earth. Though almost similar in its natural and geographical layout, certain things are unique in AEIOUS. Its Luminary (moon) is nearly double the size of Earth’s and the planet’s landmasses are colossal: made up of one great landmass, two other continents, a series of archipelagos, and thousands of islands and islets. 

A full revolution around the Daystar (sun) represents 300 days (10 months of 30 days each), where a week is made up of 10 days, with each day broken down into 30 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds based on the time keeping system of the world's denizens. The seasons of AEIOUS are made of six events namely; Spring, Deluge Gentha, Summer, Deluge Altha, Autumn, and Winter. The second and fourth seasons are mainly caused by the strong gravitational pull of its Luminary and the Daystar on the tides. This coincides with two positions where the Luminary is locked in place by the gravitational hold of the Daystar. This happens during the nearest point of the planet’s journey (twice in a year) around the sun. This event causes the extreme high and low tides around the world for nearly a month each Deluge season. During Deluge, a significant part of the world’s landmasses go under then over the ebb and flow of the tides on a daily basis. 

AEIOUS boasts of living specimens that can rival that of Earth. Most living fauna, flora, sea and air life that is present on Earth can be found in AEIOUS with the addition of other unique creatures that are borne and bound in this world. Outlandish creatures roam the lands, while magnificent flyers sweep the air. Under the seas, great beasts roam the boundaries of this world freely. Adaptations to the world’s queer seasons have created new species of life that cannot be found anywhere else. 

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"I shall rule over all. In this world and the next."

- The Nameless One

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